Complete Access to our Digital Gem library
- Gemstone Reports
Each gemstone in your live feed is accompanied by a lab report which is uploaded and verifiable though the laboratory website.We work with partnered laboratories of high integrity and professionalism and we are expanding our portfolio.
how does it work?
Enjoy a preview of your journey as a
GemCloud Market Gem buyer
Become a GemCloud MarketGem Buyer
From November 2020, to become a buyer follow the steps below
Sign up
Click on the register and fill in the
form. Heads on, you will need your
company registration number. You
will receive a confirmation email
within 24 hours.
Create account
Please hold on until our team
creates the account for you. In 2 to 4
days and you will receive an email
with your credentials. If you have
any questions do not hesitate to
contact us.
Your credentials
You will receive an email with your
user ID and password, alongside
with the instruction to create your
dual verification login to keep your
data safe.
At your first login you will be
requested to accept the standard GemCloud Market T&C and then you can enjoy all the benefits of your private